There is simply no better family holiday than one in the African bush. Bring kids growing up in the industrialised urbanised western world and let them run barefoot in the Kalahari sand, play soccer with elephants dung and go on an insect hunt. Make use of the Delta Family Special – children age 16 and under sharing a room with two parents at Delta Camp between now and end of 2017 (!) are ABSOLUTELY FREE! This offer is valid for one or two children depending on availability at the time of the booking.
For an excellent Botswana itinerary add game drives in the Savuti region and walks and cultural interaction with the bushmen in the Central Kalahari.
If you are interested in joining Footsteps in Africa on a fam trip to Botswana 11 – 17 October 2017, please contact us. It’s a trip that will allow you to experience their camps and get a touch of their mobile safari. Accommodation will be in camps and tents used on our Mobile Safaris.